Join us for a special Mother's Day event on May 11!


Our Philosophy


We weave together the wisdom of mentors, models, and masters in the field of early learning. We understand the importance of preparing children for a future we cannot begin to imagine. We use evidence-informed models and lived experiences to advance the quality of early learning for our students and beyond. We embrace creativity, problem-solving, and authentic learning. 

The first 7 years of life are the bedrock for the next 100 years. We understand the importance of developing the whole child, one experience at at a time. We also understand that social and emotional experiences are the most remembered and “downloaded” of our childhood. We intentionally allow play, positive coaching through challenges, and exploration to guide the curriculum.


Each child comes into the world with innate brilliances and special rights. We appreciate these gifts and dedicate our curriculum to allowing children to explore their interests, beliefs, and feelings about themselves, their community, and the world. Our relationship-based models give children the safety they need to develop. Families are invited to be MVP in this process.

Empowerment Education

Empowerment Education by i.b.mee. is a healthy and empowering, holographic, open-source framework of education, designed to motivate a tidal wave of innovative new learning environments all over the world. The framework holds the space for the diverse nature of human beings and how they truly operate and learn so that they can BE THEMSELVES and have the best chance of reaching their full potential in life. This is the key to show up as Well, Empowered, heart-centered Leaders, who love to learn, love life and are living their Legacy. Staff are trained in this system and our children benefit from it as a guiding light in all we do. Click here to learn more about i.b.mee. 

Our Philosophy on Behaviors

Behaviors are window into the well-being and wisdom of the soul. We understand that developing brains and bodies need time, patience, and regulated adults to have the best chance of growing up as a resilient humans with social and emotional intelligence and self-help skills. We work with children who are experiencing big emotions to develop safe coping and processing strategies. Each classroom is equity with “Space Places” and materials for understanding and working through feelings and disempowerment. We believe children need to express their feelings, needs, and wishes without fear of shame, blame or micro-agressions. We ensure staff have opportunities to practice self-care and community care which allows us to meet out children with compassion each day. 

It is our belief that when children receive positive, non-violent, and understanding interactions from adults and others, they develop positive self-concepts, problem-solving abilities, and self-regulation without shame.  Based on this belief of how children learn and develop through their challenges and successes.

We facilitate the
Partnership for Empowered Kids!

We will
absolutely never...

Evolve Early Learning